Explore the World of Video Content

tv Commercials
It tailored for soft drink brand HeyTea, for it’s 2024 Europe branding campaign.
Filmed in Paris, France
tv Commercials
It tailored for HuaWei, for 2022 Global Talent Recruitment Campaign.
Filmed in London, United Kingdom
Social Media branding videos
It tailored for BYD,
Film location: Seven Sisters, United Kingdom
Highlight: 14,000+ views 325 likes
It filmed in Frankfurt, Munich, for algin Alipay global marketing campaign.
We collaborated around 15 online influencers.
Highlight: 2000+ Likes on Instagram
If you're curious about the shopping culture influences in Japan and Thailand, here's another exciting social media promotion video just for you!
Explore Japan and Thailand
branding Documentary
This documentary delves into the story behind the creation of a handmade bag for the Japanese skincare brand, CHOUOHC.
Filmed in Manchester, U.K.
Fashion Branding / music video
A Fashion branding video for YEF Fashion, collaborated with music artists